2018 December 23

Side A

sad guy in a shirt and explains to his kids that las quarter's fixed-asset turnover fell short of the projected growth so there won't be a christmas this year.

2018 December 23

Side B

everyone is excited that every day is now donut tuesday, but an important shipment comes in on thursday and days off are on the weekend.

2018 December 09

Side A

a panda has an idea for a movie about robot ninjas, explains the plot of Star Wars trilogy, it sounds ridculous, changes robot ninjas to space wizards. Other panda explains that Disney already owns the space wizard movie.

2018 December 09

Side B

monkey can't decide between, sugary/fatty food and salad. So he invents salad dressing.

2018 November 25

Side A

a panda munches bamboo 5 times in the first cell, 7 times in the second cell, and 5 times in the third cell. In the fourth cell, the another panda points out that this is a haiku.

2018 November 25

Side B

pandas see a guy that looks like a skinny version of their Jennifer's husband with another woman. One panda insists on informing skinny Jennifer

2018 November 11

Side A

Matching Quiz showing a South African griffin = ostrich/giraffe, domestic griffin = parakeet/house cat, reverse = lion/eagle, hensonian = big bird/snuffleupagus.

2018 November 11

Side B

ant missionaries proselytize with a story of a child dropping a scoop of ice cream on the ground

2018 October 27

Side A

people use ouija board to ask ghosts a question, ghosts use phone to get answer from Google.

2018 October 27

Side B

panda is working on deadlift in case they find the sword in the stone.

2018 October 14

Side A

Basic mushroom foraging gear includes basket, field guide, knife, and brush.

2018 October 14

Side B

mushroom foraging class teacher is actually a guy tricking people into helping him find his car keys.

2018 September 30

Side A

Guy with a giant twisty brush is going to clean the waterslide.

2018 September30

Side B

Examples of portage: pandas carrying a canoe, monkey carrying a bicycle up stairs, clown walking pool floaty out of swimming pool.

2018 September 09

Side A

one panda is reading a short book entitled 'volume 1: how to grow mint' and the other panda is reading a long book entitled 'volume 2: how to stop growing mint'

2018 September09

Side B

pandas realize they're derivative and that cartoon strips are becoming increasingly obsolete, so they ask a bluesman to write them a song.

2018 August 26

Side A

Panda wants to return cookie sheet because it did not come with cookies like pictures on packaging. Ends up exchanging baking sheet for cookies.

2018 August 26

Side B

pandas fight over jelly beans and up spilling them. Owner of jelly beans comes in and slips on jelly beans.

2018 August 12

Side A

Mario hulking out on some bad guys after eating a mushroom.

2018 August 12

Side B

Doctor says eat a varied diet, but i eat all the animal crackers. maybe you should eat vegetable crackers. sounds gross.

2018 July 8

Side A

safety pyramids were used in place of cones during construction projects in ancient Egypt.

2018 July 8

Side B

comic strip where a guy gets murdered in a blueberry patch and gets to haunt it, much to the envy of the ghosts.

2018 July 1

Side A

farming interns try to squish colorado potato beetles, but they're actually pandas in disguise as CPB to get squeezed.

2018 July 1

Side B

two pandas hugging. they agree to take things to the next level. then they hug in a balloon.

2018 June 24

Side A

hippy warns other protestors that pepper spray is not non-GMO and vegan, but not organic.

2018 June 24

Side B

a cartoon where panda learns that jelly beans don't get your hand sticky like eating jelly.

2018 June 10

Side A

farmer is pantsed and invents overalls so it can't happen again.

2018 June 10

Side B

pandas lose money on a balloon inflation station selling helium by the pound.

2018 May 27

Side A

pandarama cartoon where the spelling bee word is 'feather' and the speller says 'cup' and is eliminated from the hieroglyphics spelling bee.

2018 May 27

Side B

can't decide between a pizza party or a dance party, problem is solved by dancing pizza, until someone starts eating a slice.

2018 May 5

Side A

cartoon of two pandas digging a hole, one starts smiling, the other one asks why, the first one explains that it is because there is ice cream at home, both pandas smile and continue to dig.

2018 May 5

Side B

perhaps the first choose-your-own-adventure webcomic strip, a goddess gives the hero a choice between a sword that slays monsters and a sickle that improves crop yields. If you choose the sword, you slay the dragon and the people suffer a famine. If you choose the sickle, the dragon destroys the village. Either way, you are the hero.

2018 April 29

Side A

cartoon of cell phone teaching children the moral of the legened of john henry; opposition to technology is death and exceptional deeds will be surpassed as technology advances.

2018 April 29

Side B

monkey and panda learn from a newspaper that flamingos turn pink because of what they eat and then the panda runs in fear from a penguin who is approaching to eat newspaper.

2018 April 15

Side A

cartoon where person presents fancy catfood to to cat and presents person with a dead bird.

2018 April 15

Side B

comicstrip where panda is stuck on first level of tomb raider video game, finding a sports bra for lara croft.

2018 March 29

Birff Day Bonus

a chocolate bunny bites a person and is disappointed to find it's hollow.

2018 March 25

Side A

a person has a necklace of ears and one giant mickey ear and his friend asks how his trip to disney world went.

2018 March 25

Side B

infographic explains that people go to work to afford to go to the movies, and go to the movies to have something to talk about at work. visual aid also explains that stars make movies to buy babies, and sacrifice babies to demons to be stars.

2018 March 18

Side A

cartoon where a goat gets it's head stuck in a fence, a person helps the goat, and is inspired to invent the pillory.

2018 March 18

Side B

cartoon where a koala builds a tree house and an out house in the tree over its neighbors house.

2018 February 25

Side A

cartoon where a luchador arms himself with a folding chair to investigate a bump in the night.

2018 February 25

Side B

cartoon where fast food franchise sells meat from woolly mammoth brought back from extinction. comic strip. mammoth burger. super size. wooly. webcomic

2018 February 10

Side A

A comicstrip where the ground hog's sister states to indiana jones's brother that both their siblings are bad at their jobs.

2018 February 10

Side B

a cartoon strip where eating a mile of subway sandwiches qualifies candidate for a job at subway, but they have to take a drug test to ensure the employer that they won't get stoned and make giant sandwiches like shaggy from scooby doo. submission Subway logo.

2018 January 27

Side A

sushi cartoon, comicstrip, sushi chef fishing i kitchen as a patron explains to her friend 'that the service is slow but the sushi is fresh'.

2018 January 27

Side B

monkey explains that some primates use their big red butt to attract a mate and uses a woman in a tight red dress as an example. cartoon. webcomic. lady in red. r crumb. ducky doolittle. macaque. baboon.

2018 January 16

Side A

jedi, star wars, jobs, webcomic, cartoon, comicstrip, jedi academy. abandon all hope. jedis working menial jobs because they can't find a career in their field.

2018 January 16

Side B

lineup, line up, police, trident, neptune, poseidon, triton, cartoon, cartoons, webcomic. a panda with three band-aids identifies poseidon with a trident from a police lineup of mythological figures.

2018 January 06

Side A

fencing cartoon. panda poke image. poking image. one panda pokes an unarmed panda repeatedly with a fencing foil and the coach says encourages the poked panda to hang in there because the rolls will be reversed next week.

2018 January 06

Side B

antiwar demonstration cartoon. protest cartoon. protest signs. pandas at a protest with signs that read 'drop bamboo, not bombs' and 'make pie, not war' because they missed breakfast.