2022 December 30

Side A

the brown-banded bamboo shark uses its camoflauge to sneak up on prey and hide from predators (a panda in an inner tube with a fork and knife).'

2022 December 30

Side B

new apartment number is C. C isn't a number. algebra.

2022 November 18

Side A

cartoon where pandAS Have a pet snail. nothing against strangers, some of my best friends are strangers.'

2022 November 18

Side B

pandas equip corpse with coins to pay boatman and a snack for the ride.

2022 October 31

Side A

A panda runs from man in mask and green jump suit and says 'Run away! Michael Myers is after us. Other panda says'You're being ridiculous, Michael Myers wears a blue suit.'

2022 October 31

Side B

pandarama cartoon. vampanda. dinopanda. jason and cheerleader victim. monkey in banana costume.

2022 September 25

Side A

pandarama cartoon. A snail is lured from its shell with promises of friendship and then is rejected for being a snail

2022 September 25

Side B

pandarama cartoon. woman says to man who is passed out drunk in a dog house, 'I love you Hank, but I don't approve of your singing-cowboy lifestyle.

2022 August 28

Side A

pandarama cartoon. A says 'why don't you want to use my spoon? We share a toothbrush.' B responds 'We share a toothebrush?'

2022 August 28

Side B

pandarama cartoon. One panda says ;i could've been a doctor if I'd worked harder and wasn't scared of blood' the other panda says 'he could have been one too'

2022 July 17

Side A

pandarama cartoon. if you don't like the weather, you can leave.

2022 March 26

Side A

webcomic. panda gladiators use trident and net to make a hammock and an axe as a backscratcher.

2022 March 26

Side A

pandarama cartoon. big bird droppings on Oscar the Grouch's car.

2022 March 26

Side A

webcomic. pandas invented the snooze button and inspired the oreo cookie. CCP is not impressed and makes them work like bees.

2022 February 27

Side A

caddy says that it's not safe to golf in the rain, play virtual golf inside, caddy sprinkles water on golfer. Golfer is impressed with realism

2022 January 30

Side A

panda is distressed because it's painted itself into a corner, but a panda who bricked itself behind a wall says 'it could be worse'.