2020 November 08

Side A

webcomic. even with mask and social distance, you still need to brush your teeth.

2020 November 08

Side B

cartoon. comic. mice find trap baited with Jif peanut butter.

2020 October 25

Side A

gadsdenflag. gadsden flag. don't tread on me any harder than you have to for the greater good.

2020 October 25

Side B

webcomic. maga. magga. 2020 election. make america gg allin.

2020 October 18

Side A

pandas get ride home from witch on a push broom.

2020 October 18

Side B

cartoon, webcomic, panda, toe pincher, tophat, pine box, coffin, pandarama.

2020 September 06

Side A

cartoon gag I thought 'how to win friends and influence people' was a cookbook.

2020 September 06

Side B

webcomic panda learns that worst way to wrap an extension cord is around the neck.

2020 May 31

Side A

cartoon with puns on bullshit, hogwash, bamboozle.

2020 April 25

Side B

mass shooter's plans derailed by corona virus lockdown. webcomic.

2020 April 11

Side A

remember before COVID, when we thought the guy walking his dog in a deep sea diving suit was crazy.

2020 April 11

Side B

Panda gives self a gold star each time overlooked by management. Gold stars spell out 'I quit'

2020 March 29

Side A

Norman Bates entering bathroom with spear for social distancing.

2020 March 29

Side B

webcomic. Panda birthday wish is that everyday is birthday so they'll get more cake and then age at an accelerated rate.

2020 February 29

Side A

Cartoon. Bang wakes up koala. Koala dreams of being shot out of cannon. Human cannonball.

2020 February 29

Side B

webcomic. pandas give out free popcorn before show. intermission, they sell dental floss by the foot.

2020 February 16

Side A

webcomic where one panda gets fat and the other panda gets arm extension so they can hug.

2020 February 16

Side B

Horus, the Egyptian got with a hawk head was egg-headed baby.

2020 January 31

Side A

webcomic. panda tarot reading with death card and business card for mortician.

2020 January 31

Side B

comicstrip. you can take the panda out of the bamboo, but.

2020 January 19

Side A

webcomic. bored panda learns that a to-do list is treasure map to productivity

2020 January 19

Side B

comicstrip. panda. witness stand. webcomic.