2019 December 29

Side A

webcomic. one toy screams in squeaky toy quality control.

2019 December 29

Side B

cartoon. Alexander the Great swinging bat at Gordian Knot.

2019 December 15

Side A

cartoon. webcomic. pandas. leaf blower. zen garden. enlightenment.

2019 November 17

Side A

cartoon. webcomic. matching. quiz. artificial tears. glitter glue. perfume. printer ink.

2019 October 20

Side A

cartoon. webcomic. young Glenn Danzig rescued from bullies by Thanksgiving and Easter-themed older brothers.

2019 October 20

Side A

corrections officer, apostrophe erased from correction officer's word bubble

2019 September 29

Side A

phylum mollusca. snail asks octopus how they are related. cartoon.

2019 May 26

Side B

webcomic. job interview. vampire. android. panda.

2019 May 12

Side A

cartoon. utlimate fusion of narwhal and horse is poked horse eye.

2019 May 12

Side B

webcomic. eyebrow extensions.

2019 April 28

Side A

cartoon. hogwarts shirt mistaken for gwar shirt.

2019 April 28

Side B

webcomic. mugger loses job to slot machine.

2019 April 14

Side A

cartoon, pepsi challenge, taste test, blind study, spit. now that you've tried them both, which one did i spit in.

2019 April 14

Side B

pandarama cartoon where panda crossing guard adds exclamation point to 'bump ahead' sign after crash.

2019 March 29

Side A

didn't tip driver who delivered pizza to fallout shelter.

2019 March 29

Side B

panda jumps out of cake to deliver a cake.

2019 March 17

Side A

remedial birdwatching. cartoon of pandas looking out window at squirrel and at phone as a parrot at front of classroom says 'look at me'.

2019 March 17

Side B

new public relations director used to design gingerbread houses, knows window dressing and sugar coating.

2019 February 24

Side A

cartoon of pandas in wes anderson style waiting for bill murray appearance. wes panderson.

2019 February 24

Side B

webcomic of clown getting beaten with bubble wands behind wall, panda imagines an elephant blowing bubbles.

2019 February 10

Side A

cartoon where penguin seeks refuge in ice cream parlor as climate change refugee.

2019 February 10

Side B

bill belichick, pandarama, ron mexico, pokemon, snapface.

2019 January 27

Side A

webcomic, magician, clown, plays fetch, dog, retrieve, switch ball, magic trick

2019 January 27

Side B

cartoon, comic strip, michigan legalized recreational marijuana.

2019 January 11

Side A

guy in knight's helmet w/ warhammer says to coworker with hard ht and claw hammer that this is just his day job. webcomic

2019 January 11

Side B

clown explains to monkey that he identifies with rodney dangerfield because he's miserable, out of control and only happy when he's making others laugh. monkey says but rodney dangerfield was funny. jack roy. comedian.